37 Centre Street North
Beeton, Ont.  L0G 1A0


Trinity United Church Cemetery Beeton

     The cemetery was started in 1878 with the purchase of 2 ¾ acres of land on the west side of the village.  An additional parcel of land was purchased in 1941. 

     The cemetery is held in Trust by the Trustees of Trinity United Church.  The daily operations are managed by David Baker who is the Superintendent and contact person for the cemetery.  He can be reached at beetoncemetery@gmail.com or call 905-830-7663

     The cemetery offers full-burial and cremation plots.

     A large portion (40%) of the cost of internment rights is held in trust for perpetual care.  The cemetery uses the balance of the funds for grass cutting, trimming, and other maintenance items that keep it a beautiful place of rest.  As expenses are always increasing, donations to the cemetery fund are always greatly appreciated.