37 Centre Street North
Beeton, Ont.  L0G 1A0

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Trinity's Volunteers

At Trinity, mostly everything is run by volunteers.  And we know that many hands make light work!

Together we:

Run programs:

Learn & Lunch for Seniors – volunteers organize speakers, set up tables, make soup and sweets, donate raffle prizes, and clean up

Sunday School – volunteers prepare lessons, play games, make crafts

Run fundraisers:

Volunteers sell tickets, set up chairs, make food for intermission, collect things to sell or raffle, advertise and clean up

Help our community:

Volunteers knit and sew items for people residing at Simcoe Manor

Clean up the community with “Garbage Pick-up Saturdays”

Donate food to the local food bank

Donate items to the local women’s and children’s centre

Maintain our building and grounds:

Volunteers garden, cut the grass, check fire extinguishers and make sure everything is working properly, shovel snow, look after the audio-visual technology

Help us worship:

Volunteers read, light candles, take up offering, advance the slides, present special music as part of choir or as soloists

Want to get involved?  Feel free to contact us.